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Tips On Caring for Your Gold Plated Jewelry:

1. Do not spray on perfume or other sprays while wearing your gold plated jewelry.

2. Substances like lotion or cream, oil, nail polish, nail polish remover, chlorine, perfume, sweat and the like may react with metal/plated jewelry and will cause it to tarnish easily.

3. Every after use, clean your plated jewelry with a cotton ball or a very soft cloth to remove any dust and dirt it has acquired also helps restore shine.

4. If your jewelry needs more cleaning you may clean it with warm, soapy water. Soak it for a few minutes and you may clean it with a soft brush. Stay away from jewelry cleaners and antibacterial soap which may have certain components that will just make your gold plated jewelry tarnish more quickly.

5. To avoid scratches, wrap your jewelry in a soft cloth after cleaning or keep it in a jewelry box separate from other types of jewelry you have.