- The Difference between PandaWhole.com and PandaHall.com
- PandaWhole.com and PandaHall.com share the same resource of customers' registered information, that is to say, you only register for one time, and you can do the business at both two web sites.
- Both of the two web sites provide beads, findings and gems, and the differences between PandaWhole.com and PandaHall.com are as follows:
(1) Different Scale:
> www.pandahall.com = Small & Medium Wholesale
> www.pandawhole.com = Large & Medium-Sized Wholesale
(2) Different Stock:
> PandaWhole.com do not have the warehouse stock, because all of the products at wholesale quantities and wholesale prices are straight producing from the factory, which can help you control costs.
> However, PandaHall.com have the warehouse stock, the products can get the smaller quantities to fit your inquiry. And if the products that you want almost contain the stock, they will be ready in a very shortly time, which can save your time at most.
- Whether you have a company of jewelry making or personal jewelry store, Pandahall & PandaWhole can offer different solutions according to your needs.
- These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of France.
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